This is the 2-in-1 solar rechargeable LED camping light and handheld flashlight. To turn on you have to pull it up and to close push it down.It also has a flashlight in the bottom and the battery life is good.This solar led lantern is super bright and easy to use for Hiking, Emergencies, Hurricanes, Outages, Storms, Camping etc. and can be used even for emergencies in the car.It has a built-in rechargeable batteries. A perfect Tent Light/Flashlight to have in every household. It is very lightweight and durable. Very easy and reliable for emergencies. It has foldaway handles that will allow you to carry around or just hang it up
اكسسوارات سيارات, اكسسوارات موبايلات وسماعات, ليد وإضاءة
Solar Powered Camping Lantern كشاف إضاءة كهرباء وطاقة شمسية
السعر الأصلي هو: 233 جنيه.160 جنيهالسعر الحالي هو: 160 جنيه.
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